Episode 4

Published on:

19th Feb 2024

Ep 4: One Foot In Front Of The Other with Dr. Jennifer Baxter

Dr. Jen Baxter, a family physician and self-compassion advocate, shares her journey of overcoming challenges and prioritizing self-care in the medical field. From her motivation to become a woman in medicine to a traumatic brain injury, Dr. Baxter discusses the struggles she faced and the turning point that led her to prioritize her health and well-being. She emphasizes the importance of strength and fitness in her recovery and the role of self-compassion in maintaining mental health. Dr. Baxter also hosts self-compassion wellness retreats, providing a space for physicians to prioritize their own well-being.


  • Prioritizing self-care is essential for physicians to maintain their well-being and provide quality care to others.
  • Self-compassion involves being kind to oneself, practicing mindfulness, and recognizing common humanity.
  • Strength and fitness play a significant role in physical and mental well-being for physicians.
  • Creating a supportive environment and normalizing conversations around self-compassion are crucial in the medical field.


  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 01:16 - Motivation to Become a Woman in Medicine
  • 02:42 - Experience with a Bear Attack Patient
  • 06:05 - Health and Fitness Growing Up
  • 07:30 - Struggles with Prioritizing Health and Fitness
  • 07:58 - Enduring a Traumatic Brain Injury
  • 10:49 - Journey to Recovery and Self-Compassion
  • 18:23 - Wins in Strength and Nutrition
  • 22:39 - The Power of Self-Compassion
  • 25:29 - Hosting Self-Compassion Retreats
  • 27:22 - You Are Worth It
  • 28:25 - Conclusion


Dr. Jennifer Baxter is a rural family physician living and practicing on the Sunshine Coast, BC.


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About the Podcast

The Fit Physician
Are you a busy woman in medicine looking to take your fitness and nutrition to the next level to thrive in all aspects of your life? Look no further! Welcome to The Fit Physician podcast.

As women in medicine, it’s your nature to care for others, often at the expense of your own physical and mental well-being. This can go on for months, even years. It’s time to put an end to this narrative, for all women physicians! And it starts now, with you, and The Fit Physician podcast!

Hosted by Jake Wright, BSc, a women’s fitness specialist with over 15 years of experience and joining him is, Dr. Suzanne Rutherford, MD, a practicing physician with an undergraduate degree in nutritional sciences. You’d be hard pressed to find two experts more passionate about empowering women physicians to live life to the fullest through prioritizing health and fitness.

Suzanne & Jake have dedicated the past 6 years transforming the lives of 100s of women in medicine such as yourself. Their passion for inspiring physicians shines through every episode, sharing stories, insights, expert advice, and providing actionable steps to prioritize yourself guilt-free.

So, if you're a busy woman physician ready to break free from the constraints of guilt, elevate your health, and become the best version of yourself, join Jake and Suzanne on The Fit Physician podcast. They're not just coaches; they're your partners in this transformative journey towards a life where you thrive, unapologetically.

Dr. Suzanne Rutherford, MD (Instagram: @slmmd1976)

Search the globe and it will be hard to find someone more dedicated to women physicians health & well-being than Suzanne.

A practicing physician, Suzanne combines her medical expertise with a foundation in nutritional sciences from her undergraduate studies.

Her passion lies in evidence-based nutrition and empowering fellow women physicians to embrace strength, health, and confidence in their own skin.

Suzanne doesn’t just talk the talk. After completing medical school and welcoming her second child into the world, she found herself facing personal health and fitness challenges that left her feeling like a stranger within her own body.

Determined to make a change, Suzanne rekindled her knowledge of nutrition while introducing strength training into her weekly routine.

The result? She lost over 30 lbs, has kept it off, and feels better in her 40s than she did in her 20s!

Now she spends the better part of her professional career helping other busy women physicians to achieve similar life-altering results.

Jake Wright, BSc

(Instagram: @thefitphysiciancoach Facebook: Jake Wright Facebook page: The Fit Physician Coach)

Meet Jake, also known as The Fit Physician Coach.

Jake’s experience includes a Bachelor of Science in kinesiology, over 15+ years as a women's fitness specialist, along with several advanced certifications in strength and condition, nutrition, and joint health.

For the past 6 years and counting, Jake has spent his career dedicated to inspiring busy women physicians to overcome barriers with time, energy, and the demands of their profession, to build a sustainable fitness routine that delivers life-changing results.

What separates Jake from the pack is not his education or his experience but his compassion.

Jake's gift is guiding women to discover strength they never thought possible. In turn, helping them to build confidence in the gym, in their bodies, and in every other aspect of their life.

About your host

Profile picture for Jake Wright

Jake Wright